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Right on Time

I can’t believe the release of my first official blog post is FINALLY here! It’s been about a year since I started researching and flushing out ideas of topics and conversations to discuss on BWRY. I didn't want to release anything until I was sure I would be consistent, it took me a minute but somehow I feel right on time. Honestly, I was more afraid of failing than I was of succeeding and for awhile I felt... stuck. I worked on my blog on when inspiration randomly struck, I wanted every moment to feel authentic. I don't always take my creative side seriously enough, a blessing and a curse that often leaves me feeling...uninspired. I now realize that nothing I truly care about should be taken so...casually.

Style is one of the few things in life i'm passionate about, helping people feel more confident from the outside in make me feel whole. Re-watching America’s Next Top Model episodes and shopping online for hours is something a lot of people do so I didn't think much of it. I get compliments on my outfits and statement pieces soooo often. I try to pass it off as no big deal, but those little moments of validation mean the world to me. The outfits I put together aren't effortless, but the feeling when I find “THE OUTFIT”, is.

Similar to deciding to shave my head or choosing what college I went to, the certainty came too easily and was too overwhelming to ignore. I didn't think twice about it, I didn't have to. The few times I trusted myself , I instantly felt lighter and insignificant (in the best way). I could breathe easier. I felt the same energy when creating BWRY, sharing more of myself and using styling to positively impact others feels...comfortable. When you're reading these posts I hope something resonates with and challenges your perspective. Hell, if you feel pissed roll with that! Feel something, anything really. Take a look around, let me know what you think!

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